Teacher Feature: Andrew Dyl- Guitar Lessons

Have you ever wanted to learn guitar but haven’t been sure where to start? Call us or visit our website and learn Guitar with Andrew Dyl at Canton Music Academy. As an experienced performer and teacher, Andrew, can assist you no matter where you are in your guitar journey.
Private Lessons are very beneficial no matter your skill level. If you just got your first guitar or are a few months or even years into playing private lessons can offer a great many benefits to your learning process.
- Private Lessons give you a 1 on 1 enviorment
- Private Lesssons help you get a strong technical foundations
- Private Lessons offer an enviroment for you to explore your musical likes and interests
- Private Lessons allow you to be connected with a network of other musicians, both other learners as well as professional musicians and teachers
- Private Lessons at Canton Music Academy also allow you to have an academy sponsored performance opportunity, in the way of our recitals.
Canton Music Academy
“Andrew Dyl is a talented electric and acoustic guitarist with 18 years of playing experience in hard rock, blues, and heavy metal genres. He is passionate about music and finds great joy in teaching, adapting his lessons to each student’s unique strengths and interests. This approach allows students to develop a strong foundation in musical theory while learning songs they are passionate about.
Andrew has extensive experience as a guitar instructor, having taught in China and to students of various ages. He is knowledgeable in classic bands like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and Black Sabbath and incorporates their music into his lessons. He also has studied theoretical composition and musical theory and has a particular interest in lead guitar playing and modal manipulations. Outside of music, Andrew enjoys nature walks, coffee, and is in the process of getting a tuxedo cat named Jack after The Nightmare Before Christmas.” – Canton Music Academy

All Canton Music Academy Services:

Andrew Dyl: https://gpma.pike13.com/staff_members/8601734-andrew-dyl#/week?dt=2023-12-03<=staff
Canton Music Academy Website: https://www.cantonmusicacademy.com/
Music Recitals: https://www.grossepointemusicacademy.com/about/recital/